
Hippo Has a Hat



lovely book by another favourite writer of ours: Julia Donaldson. Who wouldn’t
know Monkey Puzzle or even The Gruffalo? Hippo Has a Hat is just as wonderful and
engaging as basically any book written by this author. Your children will love Nick
Sharratt’s charming drawings of animals getting dressed in a clothes shop.

are so many interesting follow-up activities you can do with your kids to
practice vocabulary from the book or simply just to have fun. In one of my lessons, I
distributed lots my own clothing items among children and they had a great time
getting dressed up as adults. Boys tried skirts and girls picked some jewellery
and funny looking hats. I wished I had a picture to show you!
are also a great way how to stay a bit more with the topic. Why not make a
paper doll and cut and glue some clothes for her out of scrap fabrics? Or how about decorating your own paper shirt? Do your kids like hanging up laundery with you? Create a small clothesline and hang up some paper clothes!


will need:
  • card paper (for playgroup sessions or classes I suggest you pre-prepare
    a stencil at home; children can trace it and cut it out with the help of an adult;
    it will save lots of time.)
  • pencils
  • scissors
  • glue sticks
  • scrap fabric
  • thread or cotton yarn
  • old bottons
  • markers



will need:
  • card paper
  • wooden sticks (recycled from lollies and painted, or basically any thin wooden stick
    will do)
  • glue sticks
  • scissors
  • string
  • pencils or crayons
  • coloured paper



will need: 
  • card paper (again, try to pre-prepare a stencil of any clothing item at home – shirts/T-shirts/skirts/hats, etc.)
  • glitter
  • old buttons
  • sequins or beads
  • crayons


you will have fun making these as much as we did!!!


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